1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm email
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the stranger.social moderators.

  1. This is a safe space. No hate speech, slurs or threats of any kind. No exceptions.
  2. No Pornography. Nudity is okay within limits and with NSFW tags and Content Warnings. This is not a porn site, if that is your primary content, please find another server.
  3. No posting or reposting links to otherwise illegal content.
  4. No spamming the server.
  5. No posting or reposting knowingly false or misleading information.
  6. No scams or phishing.
  7. No Commercial Advertising: While freelancers and small businesses are welcome to discuss their work and services, blatant commercial advertising or misrepresentation, especially using fake accounts or impersonating other companies, is strictly prohibited.